Saturday, May 16, 2009

Your Computer Is In Danger With Static Electricity

This high voltage, when close to any conductor, like electronics and metal cases, causes a spark called ElectroStatic Discharge or ESD. For those familiar with electronics, you know that many components have warnings or at least notes about their reaction to static discharges.

Most electronics, specially high end equipment like computers and laptops are sensitive to static electricity. Static electricity is what causes balloons to stick to walls when rubbed on hair. This effect is caused by a massive buildup of charges around the rubbed area, creating a high voltage.

As a computer user and electronics enthusiast, I know quite a lot about static electricity and its effect on computers. To protect your PC from ESD some simple tips can go a long way, by pointing possible sources of static and how to prevent it from building up.

  • Static from carpets and clothes: Many types of carpets have a natural tendency for building static charges. The material from which they are made, plastics, synthetic fibers and sometimes wool or fur, all poor conductors of electricity, exchange charges when rubbed against other non-conducting materials. Clothes have the exact same effect. Rubbing feet in carpets even if not made on purpose (just walking rubs shoes on carpets) can create static electricity. The bad this is not only the carpet gets charged, but yourself as well, and when you come in contact with any metal, like wires or any exposed metal from your computer, you get a spark. In order to prevent a carpet from creating static near your computer, make sure your computer is not on top or around a carpeted area. If that is not possible avoid to touch any electronics after walking on a carpet, it is best to touch any metal before you start using your PC. The back of the computer case is a good place to touch, since it is properly grounded, just make sure to touch only bare metal and not any connector.
  • Avoid dry ambient A dry ambient is perfect for static buildup, in those conditions even hair itself will get fizzy with static. These are many ways to avoid a dry environment. A simple way is to have a plant in the room, not only it help to humidify the room, it keeps the air clean and fresh. Other ways are to get a commercial humidifier or get an atomizer like those used in some cleaning product, you can get some new, clean ones in 99c stores.

Remember that static electricity can really destroy your expensive equipment, make sure you follow this tips and you'll be safe from ESD turning your electronics into expensive smoke.

The Best Business Card Scanner

The best scanners in the market have a high dpi (some have even 600 dpi) and they will reproduce a very sharp scanned image of the business card or any other document. As for what is the best card scanner supposed to be like, it is either going to be portable (for laptop warriors) or they are going to be bigger desktop scanners with special features to scan varying sizes of cards, receipts and documents.

It is a common question across various professional fields that need to store data from printed receipts and cards - what is the best business card scanner? The answer is actually a simple one - the best is one that is capable of producing very high quality scanned images and is also equipped with a good OCR software.

When you are in the market for a good business card scanner, the ideal thing to do is to go to online stores and compare the models according to your own needs. Instead of just pondering on what is the best business card scanner, go into the details of the packages and offers. See what suits you best according to size, portability, quality and of course budget.

Some of these scanners are large multipurpose machines; others come in ridiculously small sizes for portability. Business card scanners come in packages with software so they start archiving your data out of the box. The accuracy of these systems usually depends on the software you are using them with and most have their own software and work seamlessly with it.

Do You Have a Wishlist For This Christmas Already?

Was Vista just used to fill in the gap? As only a few years later Microsoft announced that they are working on Windows 7. Windows 7 was literally meant to be the successor to Windows XP but got put on hold for Vista.

When Microsoft released Windows Vista in 2007 a huge amount of people started criticizing the operating system itself. Most of this was due to the amount of memory usage a computer needed to run the system, and even with around 2 GB of RAM it was still struggling to cope. But sales of Vista still continued and within the first month Microsoft had shifted around 20 million copies.

Although Windows seven will look and feel like Vista, it will be much more flexible with great response times. When Windows 7 was leaked onto a Torrent site, first reviews of the software have stated that it beats both XP and Vista editions hands down, the processes and responses are much faster.

It has been stated that Windows 7 should be ready for release in time for Christmas 2009. So I would expect to see all of the tech savvy people trying to grab hold of a copy as soon as it hits the shelves. Initially Microsoft did say that the software would not be ready until 2010, but things have moved a long quite promptly to get into the seasonal market.

So what will happen to Windows Vista and why was it so short lived? Well although there were a lot of happy people using the package there were also a huge amount of unhappy people that were using it at the same time, and it did sometimes look as though there were die hard fans that were never going to come off from using XP, and we all know that after a while operating systems get made redundant and updates get stopped. So Microsoft needed to convince people to switch over and that is exactly what Windows 7 will do.

Last week, Microsoft released the almost-finished version of Windows Seven, otherwise known as Windows 7 Release Candidate and feedback from the testing community have been overwhelming positive. It prompted some to say that Windows 7 is what Vista should have been in the first place; a stable operating system that is light on resources and compatible. So fingers crossed for Microsoft hopefully everyone no matter what type of machine they have will enjoy using it.

Secure Your Own Protection By Wireless Security Software

For this reason it is very important to use wireless security software for your own protection. This article will discuss why this type of software is necessary and how you can use it to protect yourself.

There is no mistaking the fact that offering wireless Internet access in your business can be an excellent idea. Not only will you draw in more customers by offering this free service but these new customers, as well as your existing ones, will likely spend more time in your business. This additional time spent in your business area often translates to additional money spent by the customers. However, with increased traffic to your business comes an increased risk of hackers accessing your wireless Internet connection.

The most obvious reason why it is so important to use wireless security software is to keep your personal information private. Many business owners are anxious to start offering wireless Internet access to their customers, but they do not fully think through the ramifications of doing this. In particular hackers can easily access these networks and use them to extract financial information related to your private or business affairs. Hackers can also access your network to find information they can use to steal your identity. Either keep this information on a separate, secure network or use software to keep it protected.

Another reason why the use of wireless security software is so important is to prevent spammers from using your unprotected access point to send out unsolicited emails, otherwise known as spam. In most cases, spammers are not sending out mass emails just for the fun of it. They are doing this because they are earning a profit from each email that is sent out. However, most Internet service providers (ISP) look down on this practice and may penalize the spammer by taking away his Internet access. However, many spammers are able to avoid this type of problem by using unprotected access points to send their spam messages. If you allow your wireless connection to be an unprotected access point, you may be held liable for these messages. This is because it is possible to trace these messages back to the location from which they are sent. If individuals complain about these spam messages, investigators may trace the messages back to your wireless connection and your ISP may withdraw services from you as a result.

Finally, it is very important to consider the types of activity which may occur with the use of your wireless Internet connection. If you allow your access point to be unprotected, customers in your business establishment and possibly even those nearby may be able to use this wireless connection to engage in illegal activities. Users who do not want get caught doing something illegal can download illegal software or images using this connection. Even though you may be unaware of these activities they can be traced back to you. In these situations you may not only lose your Internet connection but can also wind up facing some very serious legal charges.

Now that you realize some of the risks associated with providing wireless Internet access through an unprotected access point, we are sure you will invest in the wireless security software necessary to keep your personal information safe. It will also prevent you from being blamed for activities such as spamming and downloading illegal materials.

PART TWO: Pros and Cons for OC3, DS3, T1, and Ethernet Bandwidth Solutions For Voice-Data

This is part 2 of a 3 part series that will hopefully help guide you to making better decisions on bandwidth solutions (T1, DS3, OC3, And Ethernet) for your voice and/or computer data network. Read closely and soak up every tidbit from all three parts.

With regards to T1, DS3, OC3, and ethernet circuits...

Some carry more bandwidth and are more expensive....and others carry less bandwidth and are less expensive. That may sound simplistic but it gets to the core of the real differences. It's a starting point .... but where you go from there is the more important.

However, focusing on that "simplistic" explanation is probably the wrong view to take. Primarily because service level agreements will define your experience and cost as much as the carrier technology. In other words .... there's much more than bandwidth to consider in the equation for deciding what's best for your network. Whether it be for voice ... or computer data ... or both.

For example .... some agreements allow for very high latency and this would make conferencing and voip insufferable, no matter the bandwidth. Others allow the service to degrade under certain circumstances. Others provide for uptime guarantees or the lack of them. Symmetric or asymmetric service may be to your liking or not depending on what you do.

All these and more service level terms apply to all the types that are mentioned. Ultimately you want or need a certain bandwidth either in bursts or continuous and you will make your contract accordingly. It really doesn't matter whether they use OC3 bandwidth or Applesauce to meet the agreement.

As with all things, decide what you want, what you need, and then go shopping.

If you'd like some help with your shopping expedition .... take advantage of the free assistance available from FreedomFire Communications.

PART ONE: Pros and Cons for OC3, DS3, T1, and Ethernet Bandwidth Solutions For Voice-Data

This is part 1 of a 3 part series that will hopefully help guide you to making better decisions on bandwidth solutions (T1, DS3, OC3, And Ethernet) for your voice and/or computer data network. Read closely and soak up every tidbit from all three parts.

This is one of those questions that just begs to be answered with "It Depends..."

These are really physical layer technologies and the benefits of each will depend on how they are used and what data link layer technologies they transport (ATM, Frame Relay, MPLS). Then there is always the question of availability.

T1 Bandwidth, for example, can be used as an access circuit into a multi-node network like Frame Relay or MPLS or as a point-to-point circuit. In a large multi-site MPLS network, a T1 may be an appropriate choice smaller locations with a small number of users. However, A point-to-point circuit may be appropriate to connect a small satellite office to a regional office that is connected the larger network.

Knowing the size of the business only provides part of the information required. What kind of traffic do they have? Are they running voice and video on the network? Do they have an IT staff capable of managing routers? What facilities are available in each location (copper/fiber)? Do they have replicating servers in different locations?

I think this question puts the cart before the horse. In my opinion, you need to understand your network traffic, establish bandwidth requirements, and allow the carriers to make recommendations on the transport technology based on what's available in the locations required.

It's kind of like asking what's better, a pick-up truck, a tractor-trailer or a freight train?

Each of them can carry cargo over long distances, but each one will have advantages and disadvantages based on payload, availability and cost.

Guide For Data Storage Backup

There are many backup data storage devices that are available in the market today. One may also purchase these storage devices over the internet. Also, some storage means are found in the internet because there are many website that offers storage spaces for individuals and companies.

Backup data storage simply means saving or storing your documents, files, and other important data in another medium. This medium may be accessed in case one's files are lost or deleted. This is a way to protect your files in case of any accident that may happen to your computer or file, and also to have a copy of the file for future reference.

If you are confused on what kind of backup data storage will you choose, here are the most common storage devices that one may consider in selecting the best medium to protect your data.

1. Online data backup service. This kind of backup data storage allows one to store his files over the internet. Many websites offer this kind of service and one may choose which among the websites he will choose. The most common features of an online data backup service includes files storage up to 2 GB but may be unlimited depending on the service selected, file encryption, protection and storage of the files through a confidential username and password, and many more. The files may be accessed with any computer as long as there is a good internet connection

2. External hard drives. This storage device is detachable from the computer. It is like the hard disk of your CPU but is found outside the computer and is attached normally to the USB. One can choose the capacity of the external hard drive ranging from 8 GB to 160 GB. Also, using an external hard drive does not need an internet connection. One just has to plug it and one can already access the files stored therein.

3. Optical drives. Examples of this kind of storage device are the CD or DVD disks. Before CD or DVD, people use the floppy disks. Floppy disks are obsolete nowadays because of its limited storage capacity. CD or DVD disk storage is very convenient to use because one just has to save his files and the files are already saved or copied therein. No need for an internet connection or a USB hub. However, writing the files in the CD or DVD disks require a CD or DVD writer in order to save the files. Also, the disks are sensitive and may easily be destroyed if it is not taken care of.

4. Flash disks or thumb drives. This is the mini version of external hard drives. The difference is flash disks or thumb drives have lower storage capacity as compared to external hard drives. Since the size is small, the capacity usually ranges from 512 MB to 8 GB. The good thing about this data storage device is that it is compact and may be placed even in one's wallet. However, since it is small, one may easily lose it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How To Fix DVD Drive Errors

This isn't particularly normal if the brand is good and you've been treating it right. However there are plenty of causes to this problem that may include hardware, software, or both. Out of the many components of your computer system, the DVD drive is often the first component that starts acting up and may even stop working after as little as a few months worth of usage.

Following each step to fix DVD drive errors will cover all the different causes before you come to the conclusion of replacing it.

1. BIOS Check

The BIOS can normally be accessed by pressing the "delete" key before the system boots. Check there and see if it is detected. This early step will determine whether the problem lies in the hardware or in Windows. Proceed to the next step if it doesn't detect in the BIOS or go to the 3rd step if it detects.

2. Connection Check

Internal DVD drives have 2 sockets where the power and the data cable go respectively. Check if those connections are secure. If you turn on your computer and notice the DVD lights blinking, then the power is fine and the data cable is not. Before replacing the data cable, try plugging a hard disk there and see if it reads.

If it does, either the DVD drive is faulty or the jumpers aren't properly set. Properly connected DVD drives should detect on BIOS regardless of the software problems in Windows.

3. Driver Check

Most of the newest DVD drives have drivers built-in, but if the drive still fails to show up, the problem may lie on the registry because the registry contains the database of drivers installed and in use. Therefore, registry cleaning programs can fix DVD drive errors if the problem really lies there.

To make sure, head to the a free registry scan page and choose the link that fits your operating system.

Install and run the registry program to check if there are any problems.

If so, sift through the results and look in the hardware categories and see if you can see something that may be responsible in preventing detection.

If there are too many registry errors detected, you should consider buying a registry solution anyway as it can fix various performance and stability issues including drivers.

4. Lens Check

The drive itself may be fine after step 3, but the lens could be damaged and may have still trouble reading the discs.

Use a cleaning kit to take care of that and make it a habit to use clean discs to avoid further damage. Try other discs to see if the lens is really the problem.

If you don't have any hardware background, you can always do step 3 by yourself and see if the registry scanner can solve your problem.

Registry scanners are free and determine whether or not you should by a registry cleaner to fix DVD drive errors.

If you are convinced that it's a hardware problem, try out a spare DVD drive and see if it works. You can also hire a technician in doing the steps for you to make the task a bit easier.

Facts About Ink Printers

If you've decided on an original, is it going to be from HP or Canon or Epson? Before you decide on all this, you need to know something about printer ink. There are some that are cheap and some that offer a better reading experience. There are very few that combine both.

One issue that many of us face when it comes to choosing imaging materials for your office is the kind of printer ink to choose. Do you want a remanufactured product or a compatible product or one of the offerings from the market leaders?

Generally, people assume that the cartridges are to be bought from the manufacturer of the printer. Hence they end up paying more by buying ink cartridges from the OEM when the same quality products could be bought online for a lesser price. You could use compatible ink cartridges that are as good as the originals but are relatively cheap. Another method to save on printer ink is by ensuring that the printer is set to print in the draft mode and only after you're certain of the document, should you print the final document. Also try and print in the black and white whenever possible. Color ink is a lot more expensive. To save printer ink, when getting a printout from the internet, choose for pages that have less images and graphics, if you've such an option.

There is also freeware available online which helps you clip the web pages in such a way that unnecessary white space is removed, empty pages are deleted and generally change the layout so as to not waste printer ink and also paper. These days even printer manufacturers such as HP are realizing the need to optimize the use of printer ink; their add-on ensures that when IE is the browser being used, you could choose what content to print. This download is free! Something else you could do is refilling the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) cartridge with printer ink from a refill kit. You could do it yourself as most of these kits are DIYs. Buying ink cartridges that come with chips to recognize the ink levels is a good option. Dried ink cartridges are an issue you encounter and to avoid this, print something every once in a while. Don't assume that your OEM ink cartridges will be alive even if the usage is infrequent; any cartridge would get dried up and eventually the printer ink is wasted. Remanufactured cartridges are essential to being eco-friendly.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


The eco products have exactly the same promotional impact with their clients but with the added benefit of promoting a green and ethical business message. Everyone likes to be seen to be green and to be playing their part in the fight against global warming.

More and more businesses are becoming aware of their carbon footprint and negative impact on the environment and they are taking steps to counteract or balance their carbon emissions. One of the most recent way to help combat this is to switch to green or eco friendly promotional items!

Every business at some point will use promotional items to promote their company, service or brand and with the introduction of eco friendly promotional items it is now possible to do this and reduce their carbon footprint. Eco friendly promotional items are made from recycled materials or materials that do not have a negative impact on the environment. Instead of using newly manufactured materials they opt for a recycled version.

One of the most popular items to come out of the Far East in recent times is the eco usb. These portable storage devices allow users to drag and drop documents from their computer onto the memory of the flash drive and take it with them wherever they go i.e home or on business trips. The eco usb products feature a shell made from recycled plastic or in some cases bamboo. Bamboo is a very popular option and the bamboo is often sourced from sustainable sources. In fact bamboo is one of the fastest growing woody plants on the planet and some species can grown up to 1 metre per day!

The eco usb flash drives like all promotional products can be custom printed with your company logo and are a great way of promoting a green message. They are often used to hand out at events or exhibitions and the internal memory can also be uploaded with a company logo or presentation. If your company has considered purchasing flash drives in recent times then take a look at the range of eco usb products as an alternative. They work in exactly the same way but you can be sure that you will be playing your part in keeping the planet green!

Linksys Driver Download Without Wasting Your Time

Incorrect or corrupt drivers are the number one cause of computer errors and crashes and with your Linksys device, it is the most common reason for connectivity related issues as well as with issues getting some of the advanced configuration options to work correctly.

Wouldn't it be great if you could download Linksys drivers and have them installed for you without having to waste time searching for them, making sure they are the correct driver for your router or wireless device? And what if you could also easily update all of your drivers the same way, all in a matter of minutes? You'll be excited to know that you absolutely can.

Keeping all of your drivers updated is probably the easiest thing you can do to ensure you computer continues to operate smoothly and without errors, crashes, or any issues whatsoever.

Typically, what happens when you wish to update your drivers is that you go out to the manufacturer's website and spend way too much time trying to make sure you have the correct driver for the hardware you are trying to fix or update.

Now imagine having to do that for each and every driver that you have installed on your computer.

You are looking at spending hours and hours updating dozens of drivers manually if you wanted to keep all of your drivers up to date to make sure your computer is operating at optimum levels.

Fortunately, manually updating drivers is a thing of the past.

Thanks to highly sophisticated new driver update software, you can now condense what used to take many hours into just minutes.

Driver update software scans your computer for all the hardware devices and peripherals installed and then finds the drivers installed for those devices to determine if they are free from corruption and up to date.

For the drivers it determines are out of date or corrupt, it then downloads and installs the correct one from a database. All drivers within that database are obtained from the manufacturer itself, ensuring that only official and certified drivers are installed on your computer.

So if you are looking to download Linksys drivers, instead of wasting time looking for only that driver you can use driver update software and make sure that each and every driver is updated and keep your computer running smoothly and error free!

The Great Registry Cleaner Is The Microsoft XP Registry Fixer

As an XP user you've probably already experienced various performance problems and other errors whether after several weeks or even months, no matter if you have the Home or Pro version, or if you've installed SP3 for example. At that point the very first thing you've probably done is to start researching the Web in order to find the reason for that specific problem(s) and how it can be fixed. At some point while researching, you've probably noticed that you are always directed to your system's 'Registry' while being recommended to use a Microsoft XP Registry Fix Tool.

Can a professional Microsoft XP Registry Fix Tool truly repair your PC? Many users who experience various computer problems such as unknown error messages, slow down at restart or at shut down, boot errors, and other performance problems, believe that fixing all that can be easily achieved by using one of these tools. Can these programs truly help? Read the following article - you'll discover what really works and how to repair your PC in just a few clicks.

You see, this part of your system is quite vulnerable; this is where it stores and actually registers all information and settings of your various software and hardware installations, even when you uninstall programs - an improper installation or removal of programs may damage your Windows Reg. system and cause you various minor to severe problems.

The only way to repair these problems is to 'clean' your Windows Reg. - it can be done manually, but it is quite complex and it requires you to be an expert in that field. The easiest solution to repair your system without taking any risks is to look for a professional 'Fixer' - a software that automatically detects and fixes these types of problems and errors. Fortunately, you can easily find dozens of these solutions on the Internet. The very first thing you need to do is to 'Filter' out all solutions that do not offer a free PC scan, a professional Microsoft XP Registry Fix Tool should offer that, it easily enables you to quickly evaluate each program and see which one was truly able to detect and repair the specific PC problem(s) that you've encountered. Another tip - 'Filter' out all tools that do not offer automatic software updates.

Make Your Business Boom By 3D ECover

Making your eBook or software box as unique as you are has now been made so much easier with the 3D eCover software. Aside from the chance to create an online cover that is uniquely yours, there are a lot more reasons for you to take advantage of this type of software. First of all, it has all the features needed for you to create professional quality graphic designs for your eCovers. There are very exciting and high-tech special effects included in the software. For example, you can make an eBook cover open and close or move it to any angle that you want. There are also a wide variety of things you can do with CD and DVD covers.

For people who are running an online business, having the perfect eCover may be almost as important as offering the perfect product or service. This is especially true for those who are just starting out on their business. They need to catch the attention of their target audience and keep their interest and one very effective way to do this is by creating an eye-catching 3D eCover. However, hiring a professional graphic artist to make the cover for you can be very costly. Fortunately for us, there is now a better option for those who want to spice up their online covers.

If you are just a beginner in graphic design and are not quite adept at creating your own artwork yet, there is no need to worry. Most of the 3D eCover software offered online comes with over a hundred pre-designed templates that you can make us of. You just need to select one of these templates and then add your own text. This software is also very easy to use and even if you have no previous experience with graphic design, you won't have much difficulty. It usually comes with a step-by-step guide on how to come up with your own eCover. There are also training videos that will make your learning experience a lot easier and help turn you into a professional designer in no time.

If the above reasons are not enough to convince you to get hold of the 3D eCover software, then perhaps an overview of its other features will do the trick. The software gives you complete creative freedom because of its flexibility and it includes 2D editing functionality that allows you to create the perfect look that you are aiming for. There is no problem even if you have no Photoshop in your computer because the software has its own image editing module. This means you can still add and edit your own text and images and even create special effects even without any third-party software.

So if you are looking for ways to enhance your online business and encourage more traffic to come your way, then perhaps it is a good idea to learn how to use the cover software today. A professional-looking cover for your online products will certainly go a long way towards attracting more visitors to your website. Even with products sold outside the virtual world, good packaging makes a lot of impact and is perhaps the reason people buy a product about half of the time.

Who's The Best JAVA or DOT NET

The Java Integrated Development Environments (IDE's) leave a lot to be desired. The accompanying documentation consistently does not reflect the currently stated development environment. The tutorials that are available are not in sync with the development tools and are generally not useful at all.

There are primarily two environments for fielding applications for the World Wide Web as it exists today. Those environments are Java platforms and .NET platform. After spending considerable time making comparable functions operate in both environments I can clearly state the .NET is by far the more superior development / work environment. The arguments that the Java environment provides faster execution than .NET may have been true in the past. My most recent findings indicate that is no longer the case! I found the faster performance issue to be dead on arrival (DOA)!

On one occasion after I e mailed SUN Microsystems about their UML tool my response was from an individual with minimal English who could not compose a simple sentence to convey the simplest of ideas. In an environment as complex as Java and Enterprise Editions of Java the de bugger and help desk personnel should be well versed in Java technologies and the English language. I consistently received nonsensical answers to fairly simple questions from Sun Microsystems technicians at the technical help desk.

When interacting with the .NET platform I found the tutorials to be digital in nature and generally reflected the correct version of the associated development environment. This held true for Microsoft Visual Studio and CodeGear's Delphi for .NET. In both cases I did not need to send e mail for support because the videos successfully answered the relatively simple questions I had about the development environment.

The Java development environments (Eclipse and Net Beans) are less professional and not ready for production as compared to the .NET development environments. The Java environment is geared towards a kid or college students with inordinate amounts of time to perform hours of research for implementing perfunctory tasks. Generally such exercises are considered to be counterproductive.

Overall I will forego any business developing Java applications. I will continue instructing classes on developing in Java but clearly this is an environment for tinkerers. Serious developers will find it difficult to justify quantitatively why they should continue on the Java path of application development.

Is It True That The Best Deal Is The Netbooks?

A few years ago standard laptop computers were thick and weighed around six and one half pounds. They were portable but if you carried around other equipment then the load was sometimes intolerable. I even injured my back by placing one of those monsters in my backpack and then traveling around as if it were nothing.

In the last year the popularity of mini-sized computers, known as netbooks, has skyrocketed. With screens as small as seven inches and weighing in at less than three pounds, this genre of computers has filled a niche with people who are tired of lugging around six pounds of hardware in their backpacks or side bags. I am one of those people who found normal laptops too much to carry and opted for a netbook and I would like to share my experiences with you.

After that experience I was eagerly waiting to upgrade my computer to a newer model in hopes of gaining more portability. Well, I goofed when I got a standard 15 inch screen model which was only slightly lighter than my Toshiba Satellite of 2004 and again injured myself when trying to hustle through a busy terminal trying to catch a bus connection. I vowed to go small and looked around for a new netbook.

I am a rapid touch typist and opted for an Acer Aspire One because it has a keyboard that is only slighter smaller than a standard size keyboard. This size keyboard enables me to do touch typing and once I got used to it, I did not lose any speed. So, my first bit of advice is to consider your typing style, and if you are a touch typist, then choose a netbook with a keyboard that is large enough for you.

Closely related to keyboard size is screen size. Can you really work on a tiny screen? Of course a big screen is nice, but I find that even on an 8.9 inch screen there is enough space to work. When I browse the Internet I just opt for larger fonts, and in MS Word I view the documents at 150% size. It works. A seven inch screen might be too small and a ten inch screen would be heaven!

Another feature that you have to consider is the amount of storage space and indeed, the kind of storage media that your netbook uses. Some netbooks do not have hard disks. They use solid state drives. This gives them a weight advantage and perhaps a durability advantage, because solid state drives have no moving parts and may be less prone to breakage. However, the sold drives of some of the earlier netbooks were only two to eight gigabytes. This seems like very little when compared to the standard hard drives of most laptops and desktops, but if supplemented by additional memory, such as SD storage cards or plug in USB memory, they could be adequate for some users.

I was wary about too little storage and when I saw netbooks, such as Acer's Aspire, with a 120 mb hard drive, I jumped for it, and indeed it is certainly large enough to contain all of my data.

Perhaps the biggest determinant of whether a netbook is for you is whether it will be powerful enough to do your work. My netbook has an Intel Atom chip and runs windows XP. With one gig of RAM it is powerful enough to run photo editing software, word processing software and even web editing tools. I found that I could get everything done with this kind of power. Perhaps if you have extra heavy needs then a netbook wouldn't work for you but it has been estimated that at least 50% of users do not need more than what a netbook provides.

There is one last point to make: you don't get a cd drive with most netbooks. However, in this age of memory sticks and SD cards they are not really needed. You can install software through downloads or by hooking up to a portable CD drive at home or at a friend's home. Most of the time you can cruise around lightly without a CD drive.

That's the picture. Netbooks are for real. They look like cute little toys but they pack the punch of a full sized computer at half the price and half the weight.

Your Kids Love A Racing Games

It is possible to choose from a variety of online racing games for your kids to play from. There are games for racing small cars to bikes, even trucks and space crafts. Then the racing games go up to advanced types like those where you can control the vehicle to the core and customize it with graphics and upgrade it by purchasing parts for it.These online racing games need your kids to be able to plan their game in the terms of finances as well in the terms of strategy to race and win. So you will know that while your kids are satisfying their brawn, their brain also gets sufficient amount of exercise.

Racing games have always attracted people of all ages but for kids they have held charms unlimited. With the racing games for kids, it is possible to let them enjoy the thrills of speed without having to worry about them causing an accident. Racing games for kids have been available in the offline version since the early days of computers and video games. With the emergence of online gaming, the racing games for kids have risen to a completely new level of interactivity and enjoyability.

The racing games for kids have been specially designed keeping in mind the capability, learning curve, and the reaction time that they can deliver. All in all these games have been focused and categorized according to the age groups. The games for kids generally have funny graphics, do not involve a lot of ramming and slamming, the vehicle handles pretty smoothly. For the children who are in their early teens, the games are a bit more focused on improved reaction time and involve the first elements of strategy in the race and in the pit stop where vehicle upgrades are available.

Choosing which of the online racing games is suitable for your children is a rather simple task. You can play the game yourself and find out if your kids can handle the game or not. You can try all sorts of experiments, especially if you want to know that the game does not have a lot of blood and gore in it. If you do not have a lot of time to actually play the game before allowing your children to play them, you should refer to the attached information that is available with the game. This would tell you about the age groups for which the game is suited and the basic tricks of game play.

One thing that you must keep in mind while letting the kids play online racing games is to restrict the length of time for which your children can play these games. The reason for this is simple. These are pretty addicting games so be it car games, bike games or the plain old arcade games, you must ensure that the kids do not spend long hours gaming or this would have negative impact on their health and their education.

The Best And The Safest Way To Repair Your Registry

However, that doesn't necessarily make computers immune to common problems caused by users and malware alike. Remember that these computers still run the same Windows operating systems.

The latest lineup of computers, laptops, and netbooks are often beefed with the latest hardware that can surpass most challenges that users face in both performance and stability.

Whether their operating systems are either Windows XP or Vista or something older, they are all prone to having performance and stability issues through registry corruption.

The Windows registry is where most of the user settings are and many applications both Windows or 3rd party rely on it. If any damage or corruption is done there, the system will either slow down or cause frequent crashes.

Even if your computer is still running reasonably fast, there still may be room for improvements if you initiate a registry repair.

Registry repair can be performed by several of the programs out on the online market, but some of them can be potentially risky to use. It is important to find a safe way to repair the registry so that additional problems won't be caused.

If too many problems arise, a reinstallation of Windows or a system format can be the only way out and that is a daunting process especially if your data isn't backed up.

The safe way to repair registry is by first doing a registry scan because you should first determine what the problems are. If the problem isn't found in the registry and you attempt to fix it with unknown programs, you may find yourself in a worse situation.

Scanning first should give you a comprehensive list on what causes the system problems.

The best thing about these registry scans is that they are free to use. It is quite hard to find a trustworthy free registry scanner, but Registry2Aid, a useful website filled with registry resources that provides links to free registry scanners based on the operating system that you are using.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Remover Of Adware And Spyware

The BPS Spyware and Adware remover is advantageous in that you can choose to back up the Spyware components so as not to delete files that may have been useful or critical to your system's performance. It comes with options which make it possible for your system to remove the Spyware and Adware on detection. This should however be the last option and you should manually remove the files or programs you suspect are providing the malicious activities because some ad-supported programs such as GoZilla do not function if the Adware is removed.

BPS, or BulletProofSoft, is a company dedicated in products for Spyware removal, Adware removal and such. The PBS Spyware and Adware remover works by going thorough your PC's memory, its registry and hard drives and it checks for, and removes known Spyware and Adware.

The features of the BPS Spyware and Adware remover include its ease of use because with one click of the mouse, you can scan your whole computer. Another important feature is that it scans for most of the Spyware and Adware out there and is not selective in its scans since it scans the registry, the memory and all removable drives. BPS Spyware and Adware remover also backs up removed items incase you want to re-install them and if you are not an English speaker, there is multi-language support. Finally, you will get one year of free upgrades if you are a registered user.

The BPS Spyware and Adware Remover is the latest update in the market and apart from the Adware and the Spyware, it also removes key loggers, Trojans, Dialers, Hijackers, Trackware, Thiefware and Big Brotherware.

USB Is The Most Convenient PC Accessory

The threat involved with the USB ports are the cyber criminals that are writing viruses and worms and thus infecting the USB ports. As soon as the user enters this infected port in the home PC, they can load the bug which can result in crippling the computer hardware. Their small size is one reason that makes them easier to lose and if some important data contained in it is not encrypted, there is chance that the USB ports can be tampered with, resulting in identity theft and other types of cyber crime.

USB might be termed as the latest craze in the industrial computer components industry, but this fashionable accessory can also be a root cause of disaster, if proper precautions are not adhered to. These thumb nail size marvels might be considered as one of the most convenient computer accessory, but it can be a great threat to Internet security as well.

This write up throws some light on this sensitive issue, which otherwise gets unnoticed. Following are some of the precautionary measures that can prevent the occurrence of these crimes to a large extent. Follow these tips to minimize the risk of your USB being hacked.

1. Encryption is an important aspect to be taken care of if you are to put any personal or sensitive data in your USB's. Various reliable encryption programs are available and one only needs to download them. By encryption, one can be sure that the information on the USB cannot be read without being decoded first.

2. One of the most reliable way to prevent identification theft is to make sure that you do not load or carry any kind of personal information on the USB products.

3. Using secure devices is another option. Various technologically advanced USB drives have added features like fingerprint authentication and built-in encryption that proves great in making this device hacker-protected. Invest in one of these USB ports that are much more user friendly and safe at the same time.

4. Keeping these computer components in a safe place is the most important tip of all. As they are very small, they are at a greater risk of being lost. Choose a USB drop spot which is easier to access and remember. This will ensure that you do not lose them easily.

5. If possible, try to keep separate devices for home as well as office purpose as there is a chance that you can accidentally introduce a virus to you home computer courtesy to one of the infected systems at office. As per the New York security consultant, Scudder, it is important to know the norms of any company before plugging your USB to the network.

Free Sharepoint Hosting Services

The Absence Request and Vacation Schedule Management application template included with Share hosting services packages helps employees manage requests for out of office days. Team members post days they will be unavailable and can use the system to assign their responsibilities to others during those days. The SharePoint hosting application template helps team leaders manage requests for vacation and provides dashboards showing which users are signed up for a set of responsibilities.

A free SharePoint hosting application site - Absent Request and Vacation Schedule Management - is frequently included with Share hosting services packages. Such Share hosting application sites capture common functionalities, roles, and requirements of specific business processes or sets of tasks in groups and organizations. They can be applied to typical business tasks, such as managing request for proposals, time card management, competitive analysis, planning product and marketing requirements, or tracking marketing campaigns, or managing manufacturing processes, or for scheduling employee training, to easily creating useful web-based applications. You can get worthwhile Microsoft SharePoint hosting services for less than $9 per month for unlimited users and with that package forty free Share services hosting templates for business that were developed by Microsoft.

The hosted SharePoint application sites are easy to activate and are free when one signs up for a basic SharePoint hosting services plan. One can select Share hosting sites and workspace templates when setting up a new hosted Share site via the Create page. The default templates that are included with SharePoint WSS 3.0 hosting are arranged as two tabs in the Template Section area of the new hosted SharePoint Site. The SharePoint hosting templates can be modified and saved under a different name. Thus, quick to use and free Share services hosting applications for your organization are available easily.

Major Reduction Of Laptop Prices

The recent, major reduction in laptop prices makes portable computing attainable for just about every one who needs to be able to take their work on the go. Whether you need to use a laptop while parked in your car on business calls, or in the closest coffee shop off of the highway with free wireless internet, having a portable computer is now an extremely affordable option. No longer do you have to bring a stack of invoices home after being on the road to type into your computer during a planned data-entry session at your home office.

The average, reduced cost of a laptop that you can buy today makes it much more plausible that your next computer will be a portable one. Gone are the days of only dreaming about having a portable computer instead of a stationary, or desktop system. Gone, too, are the days of having to spend multiple thousands of dollars to get a quality laptop computer. Today, reduced cost laptops have all the bells and whistles that the "dream" systems of five years ago had, and much more!

The great thing about buying a reduced cost laptop is that you can get a versatile and powerful system for the low price of around four hundred dollars. A low price like that was unheard of just two years ago. Being able to sling your primary computer over your shoulder, or carry it in a briefcase, means that additional opportunities for productivity are much more frequent. But, maybe you don't need that reduced cost laptop for work, maybe you just want to sit on the couch and surf the internet while you watch television?

Whatever your reason for wanting to upgrade your laptop or get your first notebook computer, where you choose to buy that reduced cost laptop will determine how much of a cost reduction you realize. Walk into an electronics store, and you are going to help pay for the overhead associated with keeping that physical location open and available for hourly operations. Go online and buy a reduced cost laptop through a major internet retailer, and you are going to save money. Online, you'll also find a bigger selection, customer reviews, and other things that make online shopping a great, modern alternative.

Alternative Software For Your Office Needs

Office Software Discovery Well the experience of learning on the internet and working with social media, computer user information, and building websites have opened my mind to free software resources for the computer users. There is a great deal now available in free software applications that have the power users need to accomplish their word processing and spreadsheet needs.

For years, I have been a huge fan of the Microsoft Office Suite and the cross functionality of the platform. What I have not liked over the years is the cost involved in the Microsoft Office Suite. I have maintained a personal copy and several business software licenses for years at a great expense.

The best part about this is the overall cost "FREE". The first free document creation application I discovered was Google Documents. Google Documents is a web based version and works for simple needs and allows for access across the web. This is a great application but lacks some of the power an office suite user would want including the local install of the application. It does however have some very good uses as a whole.

Office Suite Application Discovery In my computer research I have made a great discovery with exploring 3 - The Free and Open Productivity Suite. This application is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.

This is a great discovery of an Office Application that can be downloaded and used entirely free of any license fees. 3 is released under the LGPL license. This application can be used by any person and loaded on as many computers as you would like to have it on. It is also expandable and developmental by a user or within the OpenOffice organization. It has extensions and plug ins to allow you more versatility and options with in the application.

Open Office Support/Information There is a great deal of information available on this application on the OpenOffice website and also all over the web. I would recommend to anyone that you should look at this application before your next purchase of any Office Suite Application. The best part is that it is free, easy to use, easy to learn, and covers the majority of your Office needs and more!

Use Some Gadgets To Your Personal Security

Cameras have become so small that they can be inserted into items used in our daily lives such as pens and watches, and not just limited to office items. Spy Cams can also be integrated into baseball caps and neck ties, in fact virtually anything you can think of. Spy cameras are usually bought to be used as discreet security cameras or nanny cams and to keep you, your family and property as safe as possible. Spy gadgets can also be used to help keep your neighborhood safe, and crime free.

Spy gadgets are becoming ever more popular in today's society, due to their small discreet size and the safety and surveillance capabilities that they have to offer. The media has played a huge part in the promotion of spy gadgets in movies like James Bond and Spy Kids. Children and adults of all ages have often dreamed of becoming spies like James Bond, and it's these very gadgets that draw people in. With spy gadgets, you can make your life a lot safer and interesting.

Receiving abusive, threatening and harassing phone calls can be both humiliating and annoying. These calls can be especially frightening if it's your child that answers the telephone. Attempting to record one or more of these conversations can be very troublesome. Thankfully now you can buy spy devices that are known as telephone conversation recorders to do just that. You will be able to inform police about the phone calls, armed with a recording as evidence.

Another fantastic item in the spy world comes in the form of a GPS tracker. The purpose of a GPS tracker is to keep family and personal property such as cars safe. Currently two versions are available, the first one is a personal GPS tracker; this item tracks the movements of a loved one, e.g. a child or an O.A.P. This is to ensure they reach their destination safely under your watchful eye, and should anything happen to them e.g. getting lost or being kidnapped; you will be able to pinpoint their whereabouts and inform the police. The second GPS tracker is designed for your vehicle. A vehicle can be stolen at any time and from any place and should such a situation arise, with the help of the tracker, the police can retrieve your vehicle with a lot more ease, and in a shorter time. You can also use a tracker to spy on the movements of a partner, if you believe they are cheating.

There are many other forms of spy gadgets such as the bionic ear, used for hearing faint sounds more clearly or to pick up sounds from a distance. Miniature lie detectors can be used to catch your child, a partner or a criminal in a lie test.

Lastly there are office based spy item, such as spy camera pens, clocks, and calculators, which can be used to record a meeting, or to catch the person who keeps stealing your office supplies when you are away from your desk. Spy gadgets are slowly but surely changing the world, making the world a safer place. You will also find that when using these items your life will become more exciting and interesting.

Make Your Computer Skills Fast

When it comes to learning how to use a computer from home, must people end up wasting their precious time trying to learn and master their skills faster the old fashion way (computer training book). This common option and mistake that most beginners often make is the primary reason why they still find it hard to learn PC skills faster on their own without asking for help from friends and people who have more knowledge about computer basics.

Are you still fighting yourself over your lack of basic computer knowledge and skills? For how long must you remain in a computer beginner's class? Read on to discover the best way to master all your beginners PC skills faster without attending any computer training class for even a day.

For sure, you can still learn certain basics about your PC, but it'll certainly take you a lot of time just to master simple PC skills. This method is now outdated for learning any new skill on your own. Do you want to remain in a computer beginner's class forever? In this modern age, why must you still be attempting to learn how to use computers from a book, when you can easily learn and master all your PC basic skills faster using a time tested proven method that is guaranteed to yield you results within the shortest time possible?

Computer training video tutorials are for sure, the best and most effective method to learn and master all your PC basic knowledge skills faster from the comfort of your own home without attending any PC beginners training class. This method of learning has been tested and found to be more effective not only for learning PC basics, but also for learning any new skill on your own faster.

So in conclusion of this article on basic computer knowledge skills for beginners, if you truly want to move from a computer beginners class to a professional class within a matter of days, start right now to learn how to use a PC properly with beginner training video lessons specifically designed for a beginner like you. With video computer tutorials, you'll be able to master all your skills faster and easier too. The time and age for using computer science training books to learn new computer skills is over.

What Is Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is available in over 220,000 public areas and tens of millions of homes and businesses worldwide therefore it is important that every business computer has Wi-Fi access to hotspots. Most new laptops come with Wi-Fi built in but if this is not the case it is also possible to gain access through Wi-Fi adapters. If you want to have incredible internet access with all the benefits that your laptop usually has but without the limitations of numerous cables then it is vital that you introduce Wi-Fi to your office.

Wireless internet technology (developed from 'Wireless Fidelity') is ideal to use in areas where computers cannot be connected to the internet through wires. This could be on the move such as on public transport or in older buildings where wired internet access is prohibited.

The way this works is by combining broadband satellites and multiple mobile data connections. Security becomes more of a vulnerable issue when using Wi-Fi. The original encryption scheme which is used for 802.11, called Wired Equivalent Privacy has the downfall of having some weak areas. When submitting information over unencrypted areas it can be monitored by others- an issue if personal information or data is being submitted. Working with a well developed company with in depth technical knowledge will help you avoid this issue by providing you with a VPN or a secure web page that will protect your data.

Introducing Wi-Fi into your office can improve your business processes. Working with someone with expert networking experience and with diverse wireless technical knowledge they will be able to implement these changes to make large developments take place.

Monday, April 13, 2009

About HD-DVD

HD DVD has a single layer capacity of 15GB and a double layer capacity of 30GB. The surface layer is 0.6mm thick which is the same thickness of surface layer as standard DVDs.

High density digital versatile disc is a digital optical media format which is being developed. HD DVD is similar to the competing Blu-ray Disc. It is currently in a format war with the Blu ray disc proposed by the Blu ray disc association.

HD DVD media is less expensive to manufacture than Blu ray discs which require re-tooling of DVD production lines. Another advantage over Blu ray is the common disc structure with DVDs which therefore allows for full backwards compatibility of HD DVD drives which will be able to play both DVDs and CDs. However it is now likely that Blu ray drives will be backwards compatible with DVDs.

HD DVD provides the large capacity storage needed for all sorts of recorded content, including high definition movies and music as well as computer data and files.

There are two kinds of of HD DVD discs for content, the 15GB single layer disc and the dual-layer disc with double capacity, a full 30GB. Using the latest compression technologies, the 30Bg disc can store up to 7 hours of images. Today' DVD has a capacity of 4.7GB and store only 2 hours of standard definition content.

HD DVD discs have a data transfer rate of 36.55Mbps which allows the 24Mbps data stream of digital television broadcasts to be seamlessly recorded.

Using HD DVD in the every day world will have numerous advantage over other optical media technologies. The resilient HD DVD disc has a protective layer which removes the need for a protective cartridge, allowing the development of slim computer drives. The added bulk of a disc cartridge would have also caused any laptops using a cartridge based optical media disc to increase substantially in size to allow for the extra room the drive would need.

About Blu Ray

The format was developed for high definition video, as well as storing large amounts of data. A single layer Blu ray disc can hold 25gb of data, which is the equivalent to over 2 hours of high definition television or more than 13 hours of standard definition television. There are also dual layer versions of Blu ray that can hold up to 50Gb of data.

Blu ray is a next generation optical media format developed by the Blu ray disc association, a group of leading consumer electronics and technology companies such as Apple, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sony, TDK to name, but a few.

While current optical media uses a red laser to read and write data, the new format uses a blue-violet laser instead. Despite the different type of lasers uses, Blu ray drives can be made backwards compatible.

The benefit of using a blue laser is that blue light has a shorter wavelength so that it can be focused on a smaller target area than a red light laser. This allows data to be packed in more densely allowing more space for data in the same sized physical space.

Blu ray is called Blu ray because it uses a blue light laser to write data onto the disc.

Blu ray is expected to replace VCRs and DVD players and recorders over the coming years because Blu ray offers so much more capacity. Although it will take time for Blu ray technology to be come wide spread because the cost of DVD drives and media is so much cheaper than Blu ray at this time.

Duplicate A PC Games In A Simple Way

So why should you backup and copy your PC games. Well the answer is quite simple, to be on the safe side and not risking having to buy the same PC game again because the original does not work. Your computer games can get damaged and scratched which will lead to disc that does not work. Your gaming CDS can get damaged and scratched when they are dropped or even just put back in a case. With the price of PC games where it is today, you don't want to have to keep spending money on a game that you have already bought.

Do you want to know how to copy PC games? New and improving technology now makes this possible. If you have the right software, you can make sure that you always have a backup of your CD just in case something happens to the original. You cannot do this with the average software, but you instead need software specifically designed to copy and duplicate your PC games.

What can I do to backup my game? In order to backup your games you need software to copy your PC games. However the standard, ordinary CD ripper cannot burn games. This is because they are two different formats. Even though both are on a CD, when playing games, the computer writes to the CD. Don't wait and get the right software so you can start to copy PC games and keep from having to buy the same game again.

Custody Software For Your Family

The most basic thing that a custody program should do is allow you to easily create a nice calendar with your visitation schedule. User interface is important for this. Some programs are very difficult to figure out and will actually bring you more hassle then help. It should be very easy to simply click on a basic schedule that you want and have that applied to a year. Then you should easily be able to add holidays, special events, recurring events that change the schedule, and vacation time. The easiest type of program to work with is one that lets you click on the day of the calendar where you want the other parent to have custody. This type of program actually saves you time.

Today there is more and more software being developed for family law. There are software programs that aid with divorce, adoption, child custody etc. One particular type of child custody software are programs that allow the user to create a child custody agreement. This is beneficial to attorneys because it can save them countless hours of time figuring out schedules and counting days and it gives them a nice calendar to present to their client. And, this program also helps divorced parents because they can make their own child custody agreements and save money in legal fees. Here are some of the features and benefits that these programs have.

Certain cases need certain features in their software. Some software lets you put time toward a third party--like daycare, school, or a grandparent. If this is a component that's important to you, find a program that lets you do it.

You can also find programs that allow you to create your entire agreement along with a calendar. With these you can add provisions and stipulations that print out with the calendar. That is nice for parents to see and think about, and it can also help the attorneys save time.

One very helpful feature that a custody program can do is calculate time-share and overnight percentages. These are the numbers that are used when determining child support--and they are also very difficult to figure out. No attorney or staff has the time to count the hours and days in a parenting plan to figure out this number. The computer can automatically keep track while you create the schedule. Parents also want this number because they want to make sure the child support is being calculated correctly. Also, it's handy to see the percentages because it gives the parents a good idea of how much time they have with the children.

Because there are so many programs available for creating parenting plans, you should be able to find one that fits your needs. Look around before you purchase one. It's always a good idea to give the software a trial run--and any program worth buying will let you have a free trial. Download a few until you find one that can help your family law case.

Guide In How To Remove Adult Sites In Your Computer

This is your ultimate guide in searching for ways to find and remove Porn from PC. There are a hundred ways to permanently delete these files and all it takes is a program or software to do the trick. You can always delete the cookies history using spy sweeper or other programs available in the internet for no charge at all.

This happens to be the most embarrassing subject when you find yourself bombarded with a lot of porn sites in the internet. You have to find and remove Porn from PC quickly. Especially if you are under-aged (minus 10,000 eProps to you.) More and more young people are getting hooked to porn nowadays. Blame it on the sensual movies and the come-hither poses on magazines.

No charge meaning, free of use. You can't even own a credit card to be able to charge a paid porn site but disregard that idea. You might even sneak in your parent's room and get your father's credit card. Try to delete your cache. You can go to Tools then click the Internet Settings for you to be able to delete everything.

Well, your worries just do not end there. You see if your father is as computer literate as you are, he can find and remove Porn from PC but after he scolds you why on earth are you visiting inappropriate sites at your age?

Another thing worth mentioning is that there are sites that automatically stores software and ActiveX components even viruses with porn content. Now, going down to the issue at hand, you can find and remove Porn from PC in these easy steps. Do not get excited immediately since this requires your undivided attention.

Now that you have deleted the files, try deleting them again in the Recycle Bin. Just to make sure since not only does it covers your track, it also helps in the computer's function as well. Since you are so curious on so many things, find the TuneUp Utilities program in the internet and install it in your computer.

There are still traces of your not so brilliant move to educate yourself sexually. The hard evidence is still stored somewhere in your PC. This kind of program makes sure to find and remove Porn from PC and not just porn, all the sites you have been at. The good thing here is that not only it deletes files; a certain program that can undelete it for you will definitely not recover it.

If you are on the techie side, back up all important files in a CD or DVD and re-format the blasted computer. Yes, it will render you an all-nighter since you have to one by one restore the files back but if you just can't have a good night's sleep and worry over the thought of an upcoming heated discussion with your father, by re-formatting the hard drive, you also get rid of the potential viruses that can really harm your computer.

Surveillance Do It Yourself Know There Secrets

These days who needs a private investigator? Do it yourself surveillance equipment has been around for quite awhile now and just the same as other niche markets the price for these products continues to drop as time goes by making it more affordable than ever to be your own private detective.

In the past, if you wanted to know what your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or business partner was up to when you weren't around usually your only option was to hire a private investigator to monitor their every move and record any suspicious activity through the use of sophisticated surveillance equipment. This was and still is a very costly service that can quickly empty your wallet, and your bank account. Even if the information obtained is of little help to you the client, or even worse, useless.

What used to be an activity only practiced by the FBI, the CIA, and other law enforcement agencies has now become a vital tool for fighting profit-loss due to customer/employee theft for many companies and small business owners. The use of surveillance equipment in the private sector has also gained interest, especially among the working class where child abuse and infidelity suspicions can be easily confirmed and/or dismissed through the use of hidden cameras.

The product choices are endless and there are several different ways to monitor any person, place, or thing your heart desires should the need arise. Who, what, when, where, why, and for how long can now be viewed in glorious living color (or b & w if you prefer) and in real-time while the recorded information is simultaneously being stored for retrieval at a later date if you so desire.

The equipment needed to capture and record any type of activity at anytime now only cost a fraction of what it used to! The price of becoming your own surveillance specialist will depend solely on the quality, number, and type of cameras you choose to use and the means by which they store the recorded data.

Hidden cameras; also called spy cams or nanny cams, can be placed inside something as small as a shirt button and can even be built into everyday working consumer electronics items including but not limited to video cassette recorders, DVD players, alarm clocks, and portable radios. Some models even come with a built-in digital video recorder (much like the ones used to capture video on a digital camera but with longer run times) and can run for up to twelve hours using a self-contained rechargeable battery pack.You can even monitor your home or business while away from any pc (high speed Internet connection required of course) using specialized software that can remotely access your security/surveillance system from any location.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Make Your PC Virus Free

If you fell your computer is slower, you can do a registry clean. And what is the registry? Are registry cleaners safe? Add comments as somebody who probably hopes to keep their PC running in tip-top condition for a while, you're rightly concerned about whether registry cleaning utilities are safe to use.

If you don't have a good Anti virus software, the virus may trouble you, and it can make your computer down, but sometimes the anti virus could not kill the new virus. In this situation, how can we keep our computer well in memory and speed? I think we can reach this level by registry cleaner.

While you know enough to know that your Window's registry is vitally important to your computer - that's probably the extent of your knowledge in this area. Fixing your registry problems by hand is not something that just anyone should do.

Determining which entries are corrupted is often an impossible task. If you do not know which registry keys and values need changing, you can damage your computer by changing the wrong ones. If you make a mistake, it could cost several hundred dollars to have your system repaired. Unless you are a professional, it is highly recommended that you use a program like Perfect Optimizer.

On the other hand Perfect Optimizer may speed up both the switch and engine speed, raises the broadband speed, the optimized on-line neighbor, speeds up the toggle speed and the menu demonstration speed, eliminates not the DLL document which uses in the memory, reduces the project when the system loads, cleaning up system trash. This software will bring you with ease realize on-line surfing.

How To Fix The Deadly Blue Screen By Registry Repair

One of the problems that will occur is the "Blue Screen of Death" (Windows Stop Error). This term is overly dramatic but this has been a very popular term since Windows started.

The Registry in your computer is the most vital part of your computer. It is like the captain of a ship because it knows all the information that your computer needs to perform and behave smoothly. Every time you use your computer, like putting files and installing programs, then eventually you erase or uninstall them, the configuration of the program stays in your registry. As a result, your registry gets clogged up with invalid and useless files or programs causing your computer to slow down or crash.

The experience of this error is when your screen halts and there's nothing you can do to make the computer to work. A blue color will replace your screen with a puzzling message says, Windows has encountered an error and must shut down. A series of codes are given in the form of 'OOOxOOO (OOOOxOOO) etc These codes are prior to conditions that caused the error and would help in the diagnosis. You should write down the error code whenever they show up.

Pressing "CTRL ALT DEL", does not help the computer start up. The only option is to press the reset button or just turn the computer off and then on again. A lot of people would say that their computer needs a replacement or needs to be repaired. By doing this, you would probably spend a lot of money. But you shouldn't get your hopes down because there are a lot of cheap and easy ways to get away with the Blue Screen of Death.

The reasons of your computer to have errors can be related with the memory, rate, CD-ROM device, CPU, fragmentation of the hard disk and a lot more. Almost anything from a minor malfunction to a major system malfunction can cause this error to appear. This occurs if Windows detects a major problem from which it cannot recover.

Even when you are in safe mode, and the Blue Screen of Death occurs, chances are it is a hardware problem. The reason may be your installation of a new hardware. So you better remove the new hardware to see if the problem goes away. On the other hand, if you have ruled out the hardware issue, then you start up your computer in safe mode. If you are now in safe mode, do a virus check and spyware scan of the entire system. Properly eliminate the problem if anything was found.

Performing a registry scan and repair will enable you to avoid or to fix Windows error. There are many safe and fast Registry Cleaning Tools available in the market. Allowing the user to fix their registry and make their computers' performance back to the way it was when they purchased it. The tools provided are just easy. They will give you a list of errors found, option to repair each item or just automatically repair them all.

Best Suitable Models For Midi Keyboards And Controllers

Knowing which models are widely considered unusable will give you a good starting place for things to avoid, as well as an idea of what to look out for in other models. Here are three models to definitely avoid and why you should steer clear of them.

If you're shopping for a new MIDI keyboard controller, you probably have done your research on what to look for in a good model. You also know what type of controller will fit your needs best. Before you head off to make a purchase, though, you should look into the most user unfriendly models out there.

Edirol PCR50

The Edirol PCR50 is a compact, supposedly versatile keyboard controller. However, user reviews speak volumes to the opposite. This inexpensive model has been reported to have a toy-like feeling to it. From the keys to the knobs, the unit offers little in the way of sturdiness or stability.

Aside from the fact that users report the unit feels like it will fall apart at any moment, it doesn't offer any excellent features that make up for its structural deficiencies. Quite to the contrary, the PCR50 has simple components, like an alphanumeric screen, that provide the most basic level of performance.

To add insult to injury, many users have complained that the unit begins to die within months of purchase.

Behringer U-CONTROL UMX25

This entry level controller isn't marketed as anything excellent. Rather, it's offered as a straightforward, inexpensive solution for musicians with mobile needs. Unfortunately, like the PCD50, the UMX25 seems to interpret "mobile" as "flimsy". Users have stated that, while it's light and portable as promised, it is also incredibly ill made. On top of the poor construction, the keys are susceptible to bending (or breakage) by being pushed just a hair too hard.

If the quality of the unit wasn't bad enough, it's apparently nearly impossible to connect to a computer. Once you're successful, though, it works just fine - aside from the bendy keys. The UMX25 also has a nasty problem of randomly transmitting no signal, which can be a problem if you need to use it.

Korg nanoKEY 25-Key USB MIDI Controller

Like the UMX25 and the PCD50, this controller comes up short on the quality construction department. Users complain about its poor quality, from the shell to the keys to the knobs, although some say it's a fair trade off considering the price. The keys are too small and incredibly easy to jam or pop off. While it's reported to be incredibly easy to set up and use in a pinch, the low quality of the keys make it hard to use accurately.

While the nanoKEY is a marketed as a portable unit, many users have reported a very bizarre propensity for breakage from simple usage. The USB connector is less than stable and prone to disconnecting at best or snapping the connector off inside the unit at worst.

The possibly most devastating problem is the difficulty of the initial installation, especially with Vista. The not-so-computer-savvy may box it up and return it out of pure frustration.

Tips On Buying Cheap PC

After some careful research it seems that both AMD and Intel have a very nice selection of computer processors to choose from. The best bang for your buck came from AMD of course. They are big on this and overclocking. Intel has gotten much better with overclocking, but their prices go up at a steeper rate. I still managed to find some nice deals.

Buying anything these days seems like it is a gamble at best. Who knows when you might need those extra dollars back from when you decided to splurge on new computer CPU? Getting the fastest CPU will not look like the best idea at all; however, you do not have to take the expense route. Buying a cheap CPU can be the best thing that you have done to not only save money, but to get the most for your money!

All the good deals as of Spring 2009 seem to be with the dual cores. For the most part once the CPU drops below $100 bucks it is buy time, but other factors play a key. It depends on what you want to use the cheap CPU for. You may want to do your first overclock, computer build or a basic upgrade for an aging system. In all these cases you will want decent levels of quality (heat conductivity, speed, compatibility, etc...).

Finding quality information is a little hard when it comes to computer parts. You first want to know the brand and know that other people trust it as well. It is always best to see what other people think about a product and what the general idea is. Sometimes having too many people say something can lead to mixed opinions. It is best to have a place that is unbiased takes everybody's opinion into play with their own results.

With this information you can take that knowledge with you to the online retailers who give you way better deals than any retail store. They don't have to incur the cost of advertising their product and having it showcased on a display with people guarding it, selling it, and processing it. They are able to pass the savings on to you with the same warranty and guarantees. That makes me feel good at night!

Good luck with your next purchase!

The Portal Of The Internet Marketers

Camstudio has been billed as the only competitor for Camtasia.

Camtasia has really taken the internet marketing community by storm and there has never been a program like it. Many people wonder if they should break the bank and purchase the software, but I am offering a quick review of Camtasia and some very affordable competitors. I recommend you read through this brief review before purchasing, then make your choice. Any way you go, you will find some excellent products designed to meet and exceed your standards.

1. Jing- is a limited functionality program from the original producers of Camtasia, Techsmith. The basic version of Jing is free and does stills, screencasts and screen recording. You can purchase the pro version which has more functionality. In the basic version recording times are limited to 5 minutes so you really have to watch your content. The operation of Jing is excellent and very smooth. The only draw back is the recording time allowed.

2. Camtasia- Premium service at a premium price! Camtasia is as good as it gets and has the highest degree of functionality on the market today. It allows stills, video and screencasting and it has supreme editing tools. I personally find it cost prohibitive as the cheaper programs do similar functions, even though not as good as Camtasia.

3. Camstudio- This is the software I personally use. It has similar functionality as Camtasia, but it is just the open source version. Of course, it doesn't operate as smoothly as Camtasia, nor does it have all the bells and whistles, but it only costs $27. I have even found a free download site here and there. Camstudio is the closest competition to Camtasia that is out there and I think it is the best compromise between quality and affordability. I highly recommend Camstudio.

4. Windows Media Player- WMP is a perfect example of most Microsoft products, at least in my experience. Great conceptually, but lacking on the performance end of things. It is a versatile product as does execute what it is slated to do, but not well. I have used it to record audio, screencasts, and video. I do tend to use WMP for audio recording because it is simple to use and is just about the only one that allows exclusively audio recording functionality.

I have had more problems getting my audio recorded in Pinnacle to match the video, than I have using any of these fine products. Each time I have used any of them, I have been more than pleased with the results. I have personally recorded hours of screen capture video using each of these applications and cannot find a significant difference in them. All record smooth, high quality video that you can upload and use however you want. Of course, there are many more features that you are paying for with the more expensive software, but if you can do without them, you will have everything you are looking for in Camstudio, including enough money left over to buy a few cups of coffee for those late night webinars!

Scanning Services For Documents

SaaS architecture solutions are becoming more popular every day since they take full advantage of the power and cost savings of the internet. They are replacing on-premises architecture solutions which require that the customer maintain their own hardware and software to run them.

You may be familiar with Document Scanning, but are you aware that documents can be stored and accessed from any web browser if they are hosted in Software as a Service (SaaS) architecture solution? Not only can documents be easily located and accessed, all users need to use the solution, from any location, is a web browser.

Below are some of the advantages of Document Scanning Service offerings:

Web Browser Access: Documents can be accessed from any web browser, anywhere in the world. Think of the possibilities - lawyers working on the same case can locate and share documents with each other using web based collaboration services. User access could also include other people involved in a trial, such as expert witnesses, law enforcement, paralegals, etc.

Availability: Document Scanning Services host their documents on remote servers which are configured to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are also networked with other hosting servers should the primary servers go down for any reason.

Security: Document Scanning Services provide extensive security and require a User ID and password to enable access. Users are also limited to viewing only documents associated with their account, regardless of how many customers are sharing the service.

Accessibility: Document Scanning Services typically provide sophisticated indexing functionality so that documents can be accessed quickly and easily. They also offer keyword, full-text search functionality should the end user not have information necessary to utilize the indexing.

Version Control: Document check-in / check-out functionality can be utilized to ensure that anyone accessing a document will receive the latest version. This capability is extremely important when multiple people are working with the same document, such as engineers, architects and software developers.

Disaster Protection: Unfortunately in this day and age, we all have to be prepared for disasters, whether they are natural or man-made. Document Scanning Services typically have multiple failover sites should the primary hosting site become unavailable. Since these hosting sites are accessed via the internet, they can be located over a wide geographic area, including less expensive real estate.

There are many reasons to consider utilizing a Document Scanning Service regardless of your type of industry or department within an organization. In my opinion, Document Scanning and Document Access are perfectly suited to the fast-growing list of successful, Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.

How To Repair Your PC After Freezing Up

This can be so frustrating when your computer freezes and you're trying to complete a project, running a certain program, playing internet games or just leisurely surfing on the internet.

When you experience a computer freeze, try pressing Control-Alt-Delete all at the same time. This will bring up your Windows Task Manager box and you'll see a list of programs that are running at that current time. Next to each application you'll see a status column. There will be an indication as to whether certain programs are responding or not responding. Highlight the softwares or applications that are not responding and hit End Task.

If you still cannot get your computer to respond then simply touch Control-Alt-Delete again and shut the computer down. Computer freezes or computers locking up happen sometimes when too many software programs are running at the same time. You may want to limit to two or three programs or Internet Windows at one time.

If your computer is only freezing on a certain website, try to not visit that website or use a different browser. If a certain web browser continuously freezes, you could try to uninstall and reinstall it. Try to use a web browser that has more quality and speed.

One of the main reasons your computer is freezing up is not performing proper maintenance on a regular basis. A computer could be compared to a car. A car, of course, runs at its peak performance only if you perform routine maintenance on them right? The same holds true here on your computer. Two of the most important steps you could perform for your computer is to defrag your hard drive and clean up your computer registry.

As you add data to your pc, it's all store on your hard drive. As time goes on, these data files get moved around and are often spread out from each other, which makes your program operate more slowly because it has to piece all these files back together again. By defragmenting your hard drive, it cleans up the drive and rearranges these files.

Also, when your computer registry contains too many files or unnecessary files, it'll take longer for your requests to get through and get fulfilled. This problem can lead to these freeze ups.

Maintaining both these problems can be performed in just a few minutes with an easy to use registry cleaner that can be found online.

A good registry cleaner will fix and repair all errors on your computer that may be causing your computer to run slow, freeze up, not allow you to open up certain applications and so forth. By finding and repairing these errors you can have your computer running like new.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Using Excel For Your Inventory

The magic word is inventory management and a few experts believe in 'just in time' inventory management. There are many software programs that have been created for the sole purpose of inventory management and they are either 'over kill' or very expensive. Small business can easily use Excel to manage their inventory and since most people use either MS-Office or Open Office in their offices, there are no additional investments required.

Inventory management is important for any business - small or big. Because if you don't have the goods customers are looking for, why did you start the business in the first pace and if you have too many of goods that no one wants to buy you will end up making a huge loss. So how do we ensure that we have the goods that the customer is looking for and avoid storing too much of the products.

Let's assume for a moment that you have a store and one of the items you sell or have been selling is red silk skirts. How many have you sold on an average in a period (day, week or month)? What is the maximum sales of this item that you can expect realistically? What is the time lag between placing the order and receipt of the goods? You also need to take into account a safety margin: the supplier doesn't have the items in stock, the transport is on strike, there is an accident, etc.

Depending on the average sales per period and the maximum expected sales you can calculate the variance. The safety margin can be taken as twice the variance as a thumb rule. The sum of the safety margin and the time taken to deliver the goods gives us a good approximation of our re-order level. Now based on the quantity in hand and the calculated re-order we can easily calculate the re-order quantity.

You can use the Excel worksheet cells with the following headers to create an inventory management for each of your items: Item ID, Item Name, Description, Unit Price, Quantity in Stock, Reorder Level, Quantity on Reorder, Max sales per day, Average sales per day, Variance, Time to deliver goods. Based on the above discussion and using standard Excel formulas, you can calculate the variance, safety margin, reorder level and finally the reorder quantity!

With time and with a better understanding of your business including seasonal variations in sales you can tweak this simple inventory system to achieve a more comfortable handle on your inventory!

Your Pc is Infected With Keylogger

With the number of keyloggers and spyware increasing on the Internet today, every web surfer is in danger of getting their identity information stolen at anytime. Keylogger removal programs will do a full scan on your PC and report to you all the errors detected.

Do you wish to learn how to detect keylogger on your computer? The best method would be to download a piece of protection software. This type of computer program is capable of detecting and removing many forms of harmful software that includes keyloggers, spyware, adware, Trojans, viruses, worms and other parasites.

1. What Harm Can Keyloggers Do to You and Your PC?

These programs are dangerous because they can potentially steal your personal sensitive information like credit card numbers, bank account information and passwords. Other less harmful ones are just for spying and regulatory purposes only eg. employers installing them onto employees' computers to monitor their activities.

Keyloggers are notorious for being able to record every keystroke that the user presses on the keyboard without the user knowing anything about it. Some are also able to record other information inside the system and even take screenshots. These details, when stolen by criminals, can be used for illegal activities such as identity theft.

2. How to Detect Keylogger on your Computer?

The best and fastest way to deal with it is to download keylogger detection and removal software. They are very effective at finding and cleaning up these threats since that is their main purpose.

3. What Are Some of the Most Obvious Signs of a PC Being Infected by Keyloggers or Spyware?

Some of the most common symptoms include changing of the Internet explorer homepage, increase in number of ad pop-ups and severe slowdown and frequent crashing of the system.

Do It Your Self Video

Whether you need to have a plan or not for making a tutorial video project depends on how complicated the video project is. You need to at least have a one-page project plan if you are making a fairly complicated project involving lots of media elements and having a number of steps to complete the project. If your project will contain just a small number of media elements and just a few steps to accomplish, then you only need to have a project idea in your head. A good practice to follow when making videos using your computer is to group your files into your various video projects. Make a single folder for each project and put all the files and media elements pertaining to that project in its own project folder. This practice can save you a lot of time and effort in looking for misplaced or missing files.

A video tutorial is a movie that teaches how to do something on a computer by showing the student how the computer screen looks while the teacher is explaining what he is doing. It's an effective way of teaching a computer skill because it shows how actually the task is accomplished in a computer. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a moving picture could probably be worth millions.

Things You Need to Make a Video Tutorial

For you to be able to start and complete a tutorial video, you need to have the following in your computer:

  1. A Vista or XP computer with Internet connection
  2. Microphone
  3. The Paint Program
  4. CamStudio software
  5. Windows Movie Maker
  6. A video project idea

An Internet connection is not an absolute must but being connected to the Internet will be vitally important if you need to download something that you need to complete your project. You will also need an Internet connection if you want to upload your video to a file hosting site as a way of sharing your video with people who are interested in viewing it.

The type of microphone that you are using to make your voice over determines the voice quality that you can achieve in your video. You will either have an in-built microphone in your laptop or you might be using an external microphone that you connect to your computer. You generally have more flexibility in using an external microphone since you van move it as closer or further from your mouth. It is very much possible for your microphone to have a very low level of pickup that your voice comes out barely audible in your speakers. If you're using a Vista laptop, you can use the Sound tool in your control panel to increase the recording volume and boost the pickup of your computer's microphone. In the Sound tool, click on manage audio devices link and then click on the recording tab of the pop-up window that comes out. By clicking the name of your microphone hardware, a properties button that becomes visible can be used to increase the microphone's recording volume and its pickup boost.

The Paint program is already present in your Windows computer if your computer is using the XP or Vista operating system and can be found under the Accessories folder in the Start menu. CamStudio is a free screen capture software that you can download from the Internet. It is a powerful but easy-to-use software that you can use in showing how to do certain things in your computer. Window Movie Maker is already installed if you're using either an XP or a Vista operating system in your computer.You will learn how to make a video tutorial by actually making a video project. Have a simple project idea that you will undertake as a first project. Start by making the media elements that will comprise your video, and then integrate everything using the Windows Movie Maker.

Steps to Be Done in Making the Video Tutorial

To make a tutorial video, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Download, install and test CamStudio
  2. Have a short plan or project idea in your head
  3. Prepare slides using the Paint program
  4. Record a discussion of the slides using CamStudio
  5. Make demonstration videos using CamStudio
  6. Assemble all the media using the Movie Maker
  7. Include special effects or background music
  8. Upload video to hosting sites in the Internet

You might need to use an administrator account when installing the CamStudio software. Once installed, make a short screen capture to make sure that both the video and the audio are working well. Your final project brings together all the media elements that will comprise your tutorial video. The basic approach really comes to making the media elements using the Paint program and CamStudio and then combining all the media elements into one video file using the Windows Movie Maker.

Using the Paint Program

Paint's default document size measures 640 by 400 pixels. This is too small if you want to put in more text in the slide and use larger size fonts. You can increase the document size by clicking on the Image command and clicking the Attributes option. Use a larger document size like 800 by 600 pixels. A medium font size like 20 points makes the text legible in both small and large screens. Choose an attractive font style and prefer to have your text in bold. A darker font color degrades better when the screen size is increased or reduced. Having a light background color will go a long way in making the image more pleasing to the eye.

How to Use CamStudio

Before using CamStudio, make sure that you check the record audio from microphone option before you start capturing your screen. Capture a medium sized screen that can remain readable when the screen size is enlarged or reduced. Using approximately three-fourths of your total screen area can be used as a guide in determining how large a screen size you need to use. All the video elements that should go into the making of the screen capture should ideally be opened but minimized and ready to be restored as needed in your discussion. Make sure that the image will fall inside the video capture boundary when it is brought into the picture.

It can happen that you become at a loss for words when doing a screen capture. If you think you cannot talk continuously in an extemporaneous way, write a script first then read your script as you perform your screen capture. Keep your discussion focused on the topic at hand. Your screen capture area should never be allowed to be cluttered with unnecessary images so it is best to keep the images to the minimum. If you happen to make a mistake, just click on CamStudio's stop button and cancel any prompt to save the video.

Using the Windows Movie Maker

If you have a lot of media elements in your project, it's a good practice to have a sequenced list that can be used as guide in sequencing the media elements in the timeline. Make sure that all your media elements are already included in the timeline before setting the transitions and effects that you will be using in your video. Movie Player has an undo button that you can use when you make a mistake in making your video. It can be particularly helpful when you want undo a mistake that affects most or all of the media elements in the timeline.

Windows Movie Maker offers a lot of special effects and transitions that you can be tempted to use a lot of them in your video. While effects and transitions can help improve the visual impact of the images shown on the video, too much of it can also hinder your viewers' understanding and appreciation of the video you are making. As we are using Windows Movie Maker for learning purposes, you will be well advised to use special effects and transitions sparingly. When using the Windows Movie Maker's titles and credits wizard, make sure that you use the same background color and font face that you have used in making your slides. This is to give the uniformity effect that can help a lot in making the video easily understandable.

How to Upload Your Video to Files Hosting Sites

You generally have to open an account with the file hosting services provider by registering a user id and email address and providing other information about yourself. Each hosting service has a different upload page but basically, you will be asked to enter information about the video you are uploading. It takes some time after uploading your video before it is published in the file hosting site. It is good practice to read the terms of agreement that you make with the file hosting web site so as to avoid any problem that may arise regarding your upload. You should be very careful that you do not include any copyrighted material in your video without the permission of the copyright holder. Check your video once in a while to check on the comments that viewers give on your video. These comments can prove useful in improving your video making skills that you can use in your future video making projects.

Making a Video Tutorial Has Never Been Easier Now

With the advent of more powerful computers and ready availability of user-friendly hardware and software, it has become very easy for computer users to produce learning videos that can prove to be of immense value to people interested in learning how to make better use of their computers. Undertaking a simple video making project as a kick-off activity can go a long way in helping you learn how to make a video tutorial using the resources available in your Windows computer.


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