Saturday, May 16, 2009

Your Computer Is In Danger With Static Electricity

This high voltage, when close to any conductor, like electronics and metal cases, causes a spark called ElectroStatic Discharge or ESD. For those familiar with electronics, you know that many components have warnings or at least notes about their reaction to static discharges.

Most electronics, specially high end equipment like computers and laptops are sensitive to static electricity. Static electricity is what causes balloons to stick to walls when rubbed on hair. This effect is caused by a massive buildup of charges around the rubbed area, creating a high voltage.

As a computer user and electronics enthusiast, I know quite a lot about static electricity and its effect on computers. To protect your PC from ESD some simple tips can go a long way, by pointing possible sources of static and how to prevent it from building up.

  • Static from carpets and clothes: Many types of carpets have a natural tendency for building static charges. The material from which they are made, plastics, synthetic fibers and sometimes wool or fur, all poor conductors of electricity, exchange charges when rubbed against other non-conducting materials. Clothes have the exact same effect. Rubbing feet in carpets even if not made on purpose (just walking rubs shoes on carpets) can create static electricity. The bad this is not only the carpet gets charged, but yourself as well, and when you come in contact with any metal, like wires or any exposed metal from your computer, you get a spark. In order to prevent a carpet from creating static near your computer, make sure your computer is not on top or around a carpeted area. If that is not possible avoid to touch any electronics after walking on a carpet, it is best to touch any metal before you start using your PC. The back of the computer case is a good place to touch, since it is properly grounded, just make sure to touch only bare metal and not any connector.
  • Avoid dry ambient A dry ambient is perfect for static buildup, in those conditions even hair itself will get fizzy with static. These are many ways to avoid a dry environment. A simple way is to have a plant in the room, not only it help to humidify the room, it keeps the air clean and fresh. Other ways are to get a commercial humidifier or get an atomizer like those used in some cleaning product, you can get some new, clean ones in 99c stores.

Remember that static electricity can really destroy your expensive equipment, make sure you follow this tips and you'll be safe from ESD turning your electronics into expensive smoke.



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