Saturday, May 16, 2009

Secure Your Own Protection By Wireless Security Software

For this reason it is very important to use wireless security software for your own protection. This article will discuss why this type of software is necessary and how you can use it to protect yourself.

There is no mistaking the fact that offering wireless Internet access in your business can be an excellent idea. Not only will you draw in more customers by offering this free service but these new customers, as well as your existing ones, will likely spend more time in your business. This additional time spent in your business area often translates to additional money spent by the customers. However, with increased traffic to your business comes an increased risk of hackers accessing your wireless Internet connection.

The most obvious reason why it is so important to use wireless security software is to keep your personal information private. Many business owners are anxious to start offering wireless Internet access to their customers, but they do not fully think through the ramifications of doing this. In particular hackers can easily access these networks and use them to extract financial information related to your private or business affairs. Hackers can also access your network to find information they can use to steal your identity. Either keep this information on a separate, secure network or use software to keep it protected.

Another reason why the use of wireless security software is so important is to prevent spammers from using your unprotected access point to send out unsolicited emails, otherwise known as spam. In most cases, spammers are not sending out mass emails just for the fun of it. They are doing this because they are earning a profit from each email that is sent out. However, most Internet service providers (ISP) look down on this practice and may penalize the spammer by taking away his Internet access. However, many spammers are able to avoid this type of problem by using unprotected access points to send their spam messages. If you allow your wireless connection to be an unprotected access point, you may be held liable for these messages. This is because it is possible to trace these messages back to the location from which they are sent. If individuals complain about these spam messages, investigators may trace the messages back to your wireless connection and your ISP may withdraw services from you as a result.

Finally, it is very important to consider the types of activity which may occur with the use of your wireless Internet connection. If you allow your access point to be unprotected, customers in your business establishment and possibly even those nearby may be able to use this wireless connection to engage in illegal activities. Users who do not want get caught doing something illegal can download illegal software or images using this connection. Even though you may be unaware of these activities they can be traced back to you. In these situations you may not only lose your Internet connection but can also wind up facing some very serious legal charges.

Now that you realize some of the risks associated with providing wireless Internet access through an unprotected access point, we are sure you will invest in the wireless security software necessary to keep your personal information safe. It will also prevent you from being blamed for activities such as spamming and downloading illegal materials.



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