Saturday, May 16, 2009

Your Computer Is In Danger With Static Electricity

This high voltage, when close to any conductor, like electronics and metal cases, causes a spark called ElectroStatic Discharge or ESD. For those familiar with electronics, you know that many components have warnings or at least notes about their reaction to static discharges.

Most electronics, specially high end equipment like computers and laptops are sensitive to static electricity. Static electricity is what causes balloons to stick to walls when rubbed on hair. This effect is caused by a massive buildup of charges around the rubbed area, creating a high voltage.

As a computer user and electronics enthusiast, I know quite a lot about static electricity and its effect on computers. To protect your PC from ESD some simple tips can go a long way, by pointing possible sources of static and how to prevent it from building up.

  • Static from carpets and clothes: Many types of carpets have a natural tendency for building static charges. The material from which they are made, plastics, synthetic fibers and sometimes wool or fur, all poor conductors of electricity, exchange charges when rubbed against other non-conducting materials. Clothes have the exact same effect. Rubbing feet in carpets even if not made on purpose (just walking rubs shoes on carpets) can create static electricity. The bad this is not only the carpet gets charged, but yourself as well, and when you come in contact with any metal, like wires or any exposed metal from your computer, you get a spark. In order to prevent a carpet from creating static near your computer, make sure your computer is not on top or around a carpeted area. If that is not possible avoid to touch any electronics after walking on a carpet, it is best to touch any metal before you start using your PC. The back of the computer case is a good place to touch, since it is properly grounded, just make sure to touch only bare metal and not any connector.
  • Avoid dry ambient A dry ambient is perfect for static buildup, in those conditions even hair itself will get fizzy with static. These are many ways to avoid a dry environment. A simple way is to have a plant in the room, not only it help to humidify the room, it keeps the air clean and fresh. Other ways are to get a commercial humidifier or get an atomizer like those used in some cleaning product, you can get some new, clean ones in 99c stores.

Remember that static electricity can really destroy your expensive equipment, make sure you follow this tips and you'll be safe from ESD turning your electronics into expensive smoke.

The Best Business Card Scanner

The best scanners in the market have a high dpi (some have even 600 dpi) and they will reproduce a very sharp scanned image of the business card or any other document. As for what is the best card scanner supposed to be like, it is either going to be portable (for laptop warriors) or they are going to be bigger desktop scanners with special features to scan varying sizes of cards, receipts and documents.

It is a common question across various professional fields that need to store data from printed receipts and cards - what is the best business card scanner? The answer is actually a simple one - the best is one that is capable of producing very high quality scanned images and is also equipped with a good OCR software.

When you are in the market for a good business card scanner, the ideal thing to do is to go to online stores and compare the models according to your own needs. Instead of just pondering on what is the best business card scanner, go into the details of the packages and offers. See what suits you best according to size, portability, quality and of course budget.

Some of these scanners are large multipurpose machines; others come in ridiculously small sizes for portability. Business card scanners come in packages with software so they start archiving your data out of the box. The accuracy of these systems usually depends on the software you are using them with and most have their own software and work seamlessly with it.

Do You Have a Wishlist For This Christmas Already?

Was Vista just used to fill in the gap? As only a few years later Microsoft announced that they are working on Windows 7. Windows 7 was literally meant to be the successor to Windows XP but got put on hold for Vista.

When Microsoft released Windows Vista in 2007 a huge amount of people started criticizing the operating system itself. Most of this was due to the amount of memory usage a computer needed to run the system, and even with around 2 GB of RAM it was still struggling to cope. But sales of Vista still continued and within the first month Microsoft had shifted around 20 million copies.

Although Windows seven will look and feel like Vista, it will be much more flexible with great response times. When Windows 7 was leaked onto a Torrent site, first reviews of the software have stated that it beats both XP and Vista editions hands down, the processes and responses are much faster.

It has been stated that Windows 7 should be ready for release in time for Christmas 2009. So I would expect to see all of the tech savvy people trying to grab hold of a copy as soon as it hits the shelves. Initially Microsoft did say that the software would not be ready until 2010, but things have moved a long quite promptly to get into the seasonal market.

So what will happen to Windows Vista and why was it so short lived? Well although there were a lot of happy people using the package there were also a huge amount of unhappy people that were using it at the same time, and it did sometimes look as though there were die hard fans that were never going to come off from using XP, and we all know that after a while operating systems get made redundant and updates get stopped. So Microsoft needed to convince people to switch over and that is exactly what Windows 7 will do.

Last week, Microsoft released the almost-finished version of Windows Seven, otherwise known as Windows 7 Release Candidate and feedback from the testing community have been overwhelming positive. It prompted some to say that Windows 7 is what Vista should have been in the first place; a stable operating system that is light on resources and compatible. So fingers crossed for Microsoft hopefully everyone no matter what type of machine they have will enjoy using it.

Secure Your Own Protection By Wireless Security Software

For this reason it is very important to use wireless security software for your own protection. This article will discuss why this type of software is necessary and how you can use it to protect yourself.

There is no mistaking the fact that offering wireless Internet access in your business can be an excellent idea. Not only will you draw in more customers by offering this free service but these new customers, as well as your existing ones, will likely spend more time in your business. This additional time spent in your business area often translates to additional money spent by the customers. However, with increased traffic to your business comes an increased risk of hackers accessing your wireless Internet connection.

The most obvious reason why it is so important to use wireless security software is to keep your personal information private. Many business owners are anxious to start offering wireless Internet access to their customers, but they do not fully think through the ramifications of doing this. In particular hackers can easily access these networks and use them to extract financial information related to your private or business affairs. Hackers can also access your network to find information they can use to steal your identity. Either keep this information on a separate, secure network or use software to keep it protected.

Another reason why the use of wireless security software is so important is to prevent spammers from using your unprotected access point to send out unsolicited emails, otherwise known as spam. In most cases, spammers are not sending out mass emails just for the fun of it. They are doing this because they are earning a profit from each email that is sent out. However, most Internet service providers (ISP) look down on this practice and may penalize the spammer by taking away his Internet access. However, many spammers are able to avoid this type of problem by using unprotected access points to send their spam messages. If you allow your wireless connection to be an unprotected access point, you may be held liable for these messages. This is because it is possible to trace these messages back to the location from which they are sent. If individuals complain about these spam messages, investigators may trace the messages back to your wireless connection and your ISP may withdraw services from you as a result.

Finally, it is very important to consider the types of activity which may occur with the use of your wireless Internet connection. If you allow your access point to be unprotected, customers in your business establishment and possibly even those nearby may be able to use this wireless connection to engage in illegal activities. Users who do not want get caught doing something illegal can download illegal software or images using this connection. Even though you may be unaware of these activities they can be traced back to you. In these situations you may not only lose your Internet connection but can also wind up facing some very serious legal charges.

Now that you realize some of the risks associated with providing wireless Internet access through an unprotected access point, we are sure you will invest in the wireless security software necessary to keep your personal information safe. It will also prevent you from being blamed for activities such as spamming and downloading illegal materials.

PART TWO: Pros and Cons for OC3, DS3, T1, and Ethernet Bandwidth Solutions For Voice-Data

This is part 2 of a 3 part series that will hopefully help guide you to making better decisions on bandwidth solutions (T1, DS3, OC3, And Ethernet) for your voice and/or computer data network. Read closely and soak up every tidbit from all three parts.

With regards to T1, DS3, OC3, and ethernet circuits...

Some carry more bandwidth and are more expensive....and others carry less bandwidth and are less expensive. That may sound simplistic but it gets to the core of the real differences. It's a starting point .... but where you go from there is the more important.

However, focusing on that "simplistic" explanation is probably the wrong view to take. Primarily because service level agreements will define your experience and cost as much as the carrier technology. In other words .... there's much more than bandwidth to consider in the equation for deciding what's best for your network. Whether it be for voice ... or computer data ... or both.

For example .... some agreements allow for very high latency and this would make conferencing and voip insufferable, no matter the bandwidth. Others allow the service to degrade under certain circumstances. Others provide for uptime guarantees or the lack of them. Symmetric or asymmetric service may be to your liking or not depending on what you do.

All these and more service level terms apply to all the types that are mentioned. Ultimately you want or need a certain bandwidth either in bursts or continuous and you will make your contract accordingly. It really doesn't matter whether they use OC3 bandwidth or Applesauce to meet the agreement.

As with all things, decide what you want, what you need, and then go shopping.

If you'd like some help with your shopping expedition .... take advantage of the free assistance available from FreedomFire Communications.

PART ONE: Pros and Cons for OC3, DS3, T1, and Ethernet Bandwidth Solutions For Voice-Data

This is part 1 of a 3 part series that will hopefully help guide you to making better decisions on bandwidth solutions (T1, DS3, OC3, And Ethernet) for your voice and/or computer data network. Read closely and soak up every tidbit from all three parts.

This is one of those questions that just begs to be answered with "It Depends..."

These are really physical layer technologies and the benefits of each will depend on how they are used and what data link layer technologies they transport (ATM, Frame Relay, MPLS). Then there is always the question of availability.

T1 Bandwidth, for example, can be used as an access circuit into a multi-node network like Frame Relay or MPLS or as a point-to-point circuit. In a large multi-site MPLS network, a T1 may be an appropriate choice smaller locations with a small number of users. However, A point-to-point circuit may be appropriate to connect a small satellite office to a regional office that is connected the larger network.

Knowing the size of the business only provides part of the information required. What kind of traffic do they have? Are they running voice and video on the network? Do they have an IT staff capable of managing routers? What facilities are available in each location (copper/fiber)? Do they have replicating servers in different locations?

I think this question puts the cart before the horse. In my opinion, you need to understand your network traffic, establish bandwidth requirements, and allow the carriers to make recommendations on the transport technology based on what's available in the locations required.

It's kind of like asking what's better, a pick-up truck, a tractor-trailer or a freight train?

Each of them can carry cargo over long distances, but each one will have advantages and disadvantages based on payload, availability and cost.

Guide For Data Storage Backup

There are many backup data storage devices that are available in the market today. One may also purchase these storage devices over the internet. Also, some storage means are found in the internet because there are many website that offers storage spaces for individuals and companies.

Backup data storage simply means saving or storing your documents, files, and other important data in another medium. This medium may be accessed in case one's files are lost or deleted. This is a way to protect your files in case of any accident that may happen to your computer or file, and also to have a copy of the file for future reference.

If you are confused on what kind of backup data storage will you choose, here are the most common storage devices that one may consider in selecting the best medium to protect your data.

1. Online data backup service. This kind of backup data storage allows one to store his files over the internet. Many websites offer this kind of service and one may choose which among the websites he will choose. The most common features of an online data backup service includes files storage up to 2 GB but may be unlimited depending on the service selected, file encryption, protection and storage of the files through a confidential username and password, and many more. The files may be accessed with any computer as long as there is a good internet connection

2. External hard drives. This storage device is detachable from the computer. It is like the hard disk of your CPU but is found outside the computer and is attached normally to the USB. One can choose the capacity of the external hard drive ranging from 8 GB to 160 GB. Also, using an external hard drive does not need an internet connection. One just has to plug it and one can already access the files stored therein.

3. Optical drives. Examples of this kind of storage device are the CD or DVD disks. Before CD or DVD, people use the floppy disks. Floppy disks are obsolete nowadays because of its limited storage capacity. CD or DVD disk storage is very convenient to use because one just has to save his files and the files are already saved or copied therein. No need for an internet connection or a USB hub. However, writing the files in the CD or DVD disks require a CD or DVD writer in order to save the files. Also, the disks are sensitive and may easily be destroyed if it is not taken care of.

4. Flash disks or thumb drives. This is the mini version of external hard drives. The difference is flash disks or thumb drives have lower storage capacity as compared to external hard drives. Since the size is small, the capacity usually ranges from 512 MB to 8 GB. The good thing about this data storage device is that it is compact and may be placed even in one's wallet. However, since it is small, one may easily lose it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How To Fix DVD Drive Errors

This isn't particularly normal if the brand is good and you've been treating it right. However there are plenty of causes to this problem that may include hardware, software, or both. Out of the many components of your computer system, the DVD drive is often the first component that starts acting up and may even stop working after as little as a few months worth of usage.

Following each step to fix DVD drive errors will cover all the different causes before you come to the conclusion of replacing it.

1. BIOS Check

The BIOS can normally be accessed by pressing the "delete" key before the system boots. Check there and see if it is detected. This early step will determine whether the problem lies in the hardware or in Windows. Proceed to the next step if it doesn't detect in the BIOS or go to the 3rd step if it detects.

2. Connection Check

Internal DVD drives have 2 sockets where the power and the data cable go respectively. Check if those connections are secure. If you turn on your computer and notice the DVD lights blinking, then the power is fine and the data cable is not. Before replacing the data cable, try plugging a hard disk there and see if it reads.

If it does, either the DVD drive is faulty or the jumpers aren't properly set. Properly connected DVD drives should detect on BIOS regardless of the software problems in Windows.

3. Driver Check

Most of the newest DVD drives have drivers built-in, but if the drive still fails to show up, the problem may lie on the registry because the registry contains the database of drivers installed and in use. Therefore, registry cleaning programs can fix DVD drive errors if the problem really lies there.

To make sure, head to the a free registry scan page and choose the link that fits your operating system.

Install and run the registry program to check if there are any problems.

If so, sift through the results and look in the hardware categories and see if you can see something that may be responsible in preventing detection.

If there are too many registry errors detected, you should consider buying a registry solution anyway as it can fix various performance and stability issues including drivers.

4. Lens Check

The drive itself may be fine after step 3, but the lens could be damaged and may have still trouble reading the discs.

Use a cleaning kit to take care of that and make it a habit to use clean discs to avoid further damage. Try other discs to see if the lens is really the problem.

If you don't have any hardware background, you can always do step 3 by yourself and see if the registry scanner can solve your problem.

Registry scanners are free and determine whether or not you should by a registry cleaner to fix DVD drive errors.

If you are convinced that it's a hardware problem, try out a spare DVD drive and see if it works. You can also hire a technician in doing the steps for you to make the task a bit easier.

Facts About Ink Printers

If you've decided on an original, is it going to be from HP or Canon or Epson? Before you decide on all this, you need to know something about printer ink. There are some that are cheap and some that offer a better reading experience. There are very few that combine both.

One issue that many of us face when it comes to choosing imaging materials for your office is the kind of printer ink to choose. Do you want a remanufactured product or a compatible product or one of the offerings from the market leaders?

Generally, people assume that the cartridges are to be bought from the manufacturer of the printer. Hence they end up paying more by buying ink cartridges from the OEM when the same quality products could be bought online for a lesser price. You could use compatible ink cartridges that are as good as the originals but are relatively cheap. Another method to save on printer ink is by ensuring that the printer is set to print in the draft mode and only after you're certain of the document, should you print the final document. Also try and print in the black and white whenever possible. Color ink is a lot more expensive. To save printer ink, when getting a printout from the internet, choose for pages that have less images and graphics, if you've such an option.

There is also freeware available online which helps you clip the web pages in such a way that unnecessary white space is removed, empty pages are deleted and generally change the layout so as to not waste printer ink and also paper. These days even printer manufacturers such as HP are realizing the need to optimize the use of printer ink; their add-on ensures that when IE is the browser being used, you could choose what content to print. This download is free! Something else you could do is refilling the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) cartridge with printer ink from a refill kit. You could do it yourself as most of these kits are DIYs. Buying ink cartridges that come with chips to recognize the ink levels is a good option. Dried ink cartridges are an issue you encounter and to avoid this, print something every once in a while. Don't assume that your OEM ink cartridges will be alive even if the usage is infrequent; any cartridge would get dried up and eventually the printer ink is wasted. Remanufactured cartridges are essential to being eco-friendly.


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