Friday, February 20, 2009

The Best Weight Loss System - Have You Heard of Calorie Shifting? It Works and You Must Try It

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you must try Calorie Shifting. Normally I reserve bold statements like that for the end of an article, but I want to say it clearly right up front. That's how much I believe in Calorie Shifting.

Let's face it. If you're reading this article, it's because you need some help. No one wants to admit that, but we all need help sometimes and there's no shame in getting what you need. The difficult thing is that you've probably sought help for your weight problem before and failed. Why is it that so many diets and weight loss plans fail?

Simple. Diets and weight loss plans fail because they are temporary in nature. Think about it. Almost every other plan you've ever read about, tried, or considered has been a limited time sort of thing. You go on it, lose a little weight, or maybe even a lot of weight, and then you go off it and what happens? Slowly but surely, the weight creeps back - maybe even more than before. Why does that happen?

The Yo-Yo Effect - This happens because your body acclimates to your diet or exercise regimen. You get going on a particular program and your body sort of wakes up. Things have changed and the old way of doing business is over. So, your body adjusts. Some systems speed up, others slow down, some just go haywire. But it works. You lose weight and when you get to your "target weight" you stop. But your body has gotten accustomed to this new way of doing things. It doesn't like stopping or slowing down. And all your systems aren't quite ready for this change. So, everything starts to slow down, and your body wisely decides that you might try something like this again. And what does it do? It keeps you nice and hungry so you'll put on a few more pounds just in case you decide you want to try something like that again. That way it has a little more easy fat to burn the next time as it acclimates to this new crazy diet you're on. So your weight goes up and down like a yo-yo.

But what's different about calorie shifting? Well, in short, everything. With calorie shifting, instead of limiting yourself to an ultra-low level of calories, or limiting certain types of foods like carbs or fats, you simply eat specific foods at specific times. You get to eat as much as you want as long as you eat things at the right time of day. By doing so, you adjust your food intake to your body's natural rhythms and speed up your metabolism. Instead of slowing down your system, you hyper-speed it. And since it's not a diet plan, once you get the hang of it, you can stay on it forever. That way you avoid the Yo-Yo effect and keep the weight off for good. It's like a miracle.



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