Do you want to lose some weight fast for some major event such as a wedding, vacation, high school reunion, or maybe you just want to get lean quickly. Well, you're in luck because I'm going to show you how to cut weight fast in 1 week without starvation, and without long, boring cardio. I'm going to show you 2 things that you can implement immediately that will shed pounds fast. If you're open to new weight loss ideas that flat out works, then read this article carefully.
how to drop 10 pounds in 1 week
1. eliminate carbonated drinks
I use to be guilty of drinking a large soft drink during every meal. I did it because I didn't know any better, plus everybody was doing it. I just thought it was the norm to guzzle down a large soft drink with every meal. Dumb, dumb, dumb. If I only knew that those huge soft
drinks was loaded with calories, maybe I would have thought twice.
If you eliminate soft drinks altogether and replace it with water, you'll not be guilty of consuming more calories than you need. The thing about Soft drinks is it will add extra calories in addition to your regular meals. So I beg you to gradually wean out soda pop
from your diet. this one tip if adopted immediately will drop pounds at warp speed.
2. Eat lighter at a time
I know it's eleven o'clock at night and you're hungry. So you walk over to your refrigerator and stuff down a large meal. No longer hungry, you go back to bed. You do the same thing night after night for a month. One day, You get up in the mourning and weigh yourself. You scream bloody murder because you've gained several pounds. Don't worry because it's only water weight right. You can't possibly gain that much weight overnight right. Wrong, eating a big meal night after night will get you fat quickly.
If you have the munchies during the night time, eat something that is light, and low in calories. The worst thing you can do is eat a heavy meal loaded with calories and then go to bed. That's what I call sleeping yourself to fat island. If you're hungry, don't deprive yourself, but be selective of what's going into your body.
These 2 simple adjustments to your diet will help you lose a lot of weight in one week without radically changing your eating habits.
E.L Forestal is a Fat Loss Expert, Former college football All-American. His popular workout program, Fat Loss Workout Bands has helped thousands of men and women lose fat with only a pair of resistance band, while cutting their workout time in half. Click for your FREE bonus book "10 Rules Of Fat Burning" and FREE "Flat Abs" mini course.
If you're really serious about losing pounds, then go and download your bonus book now. If you follow the 10 rules exactly as I've written them and take no shortcuts, you'll lose weight fast... I'd be SHOCKED if you didn't lose 5-10 pounds in your first 10 days! Click to grab your free fat loss report.
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